I’m the mom — you probably guessed that already. You can call me Anne. I’m usually tired, and I drink my coffee cold. I also happen to be a lawyer, but that doesn’t come up much at home and certainly doesn’t win me any arguments.
My kids are Lina (age 4) and Jack (newly 2). It’s truly remarkable how two kids who don’t talk much can have so many opinions and express them so forcefully. Lina is autistic, which is sometimes relevant and sometimes not. (Here’s a post explaining my choice of identity-first language.) She’s also a bookworm, a fiercely devoted older sister, and a die-hard Daniel Tiger fan. Jack adores her. He also enjoys eating play-dough and throwing toy cars in the toilet.
Ryan is my husband, the site’s meme master, and an all-around good guy. Wave hi if you see him.
By the way, these are not our real names and I don’t use real photos of our family. Instead I find stock photos with cleaner houses and better lighting. In fact, I’m now convinced I could be an influencer without ever showing my face. For instance:

Our blog title “The Kids Are Not On Fire” comes from a flowchart that points out, with great charity, that the kids are not actually on fire. It’s the little things, amiright?
If you’re looking for a serious website about autism or parenting, this is not it. For everyone else, we would love to have you follow along, if only so I have an excuse to make more stock photo collages. You can also find us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
What People Say
I would never let my child do that.
Supermarket Lady
Why is this sticky and slippery?
My Husband
There’s not enough coffee in the world for today.
Me, Every Day